The present conference is the 17th event in a successful series of conferences establishing and maintaining relationships among experts all over the world working in research and development related to fluid machinery for five decades.
Since 2003 the scope of the events has been extended. According to their new name: CMFF (Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow), they respond to challenges in the rapidly developing fields of fluid mechanics. The conferences are unique events designed to provoke and establish interactive symbiosis and efficient synergy of numerical flow simulation and physical modelling of flow processes using advanced measurement methods. They aim at defining the state of the art in CFD and advanced measuring techniques, inspiring both research and practical applications by promoting interaction between scientists and practitioners working in the field of computational and experimental fluid dynamics.
The organiser for this conference is the Department of Fluid Mechanics of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, supported by the Department of Hydrodynamic Systems of the same University, and by the Department of Fluid and Heat Engineering of the University of Miskolc. Co-operating organisations are: Flow Technology Section of the Scientific Society of Mechanical Engineers in Hungary, and the Committee of Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Visualization Society of Japan and TSI Inc.
Authors from more than 25 countries have submitted approximately 130 papers. After careful review, 94 session papers have been published in the Proceedings. The review of the session papers has been carried out by the members of the International Scientific and Programme Committee as well as by invited experts, thus guaranteeing a high level of quality for the publications in the Proceedings. The Proceedings also contain Invited Lectures and Workshop papers. A considerable portion of the publications report the concerted application of CFD and modern experimental techniques. We are pleased to see that despite the extension of the conference profile, the traditional topic of the conference once again appears as a focal point: a large portion of the sessions – paper sessions as well as workshops – deal with fluid machinery.
The editor thanks the authors for their valuable contribution.
Budapest, September 4th 2018
Professor J. Vad
Local Organising Committee
The scope of the Conference includes the theoretical aspects of numerical simulation and physical modelling of flows as well as their practical use in research, product development, solving problems, and optimisation.
The main thematic areas of the Conference are:
Each thematic area covers research, development, design, new applications and equipment, case studies and future trends with particular emphasis on the use of CFD and advanced measurement methods.